You just learned about reading tarot to get ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ and ‘maybe’ answers. Therefore, tarot is an excellent alternative to using the pendulum when it comes to seeking definitive answers. It is not a surprise that the tarot cards seen as positive would represent ‘yes,’ and the as unfavorable cards would represent ‘no,’ except Six of Swords and Four of Pentacles in some instances. There is no elaboration necessary on why those cards would represent ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ However, when it comes to the neutral cards representing ‘maybe,’ that I can imagine requires more clarity.
How can some tarot cards represent ‘maybe’ as that is not even a definitive answer? In some cases, maybe it is a definitive answer that depends on many factors. For instance, you are applying to a highly competitive job, but you are taking the best action plan on increasing your chance of landing it. If you do a tarot reading to get a definitive answer whether or not you will end up with the job, you may end up with a ‘maybe’ response. That is not helpful. However, the truth is that the position is so competitive that you are hoping to land. Even though you are doing everything in your power to increase the odds of helping that happen, it may or may not work out in your favor.
If you receive the answer as a ‘maybe’ to your question, you will want to understand why you are getting that definitive response as ‘maybe.’ It depends on the card’s nature, which I want to delve more into it now. Let’s now go into each of the tarot cards representing ‘maybe’ when you ask the cards for a concrete answer. I will use that job-seeking example while I delve into the meaning of each of the cards.
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The Hierophant
When the Hierophant comes up in a reading where you want a definitive answer for something, that is a sign that you need to ask for advice from someone wise or experienced before jumping into anything. Therefore, if you are looking for a particular job and the Hierophant comes up, it tells you that maybe you will receive it. However, the Hierophant is also telling you to ask the advice of others who work in a similar type of job and ask them questions about what they had to give up. You want to have more information on what you are about to embark on potentially. If you get the information you need, ask the question again, and chances are you will receive a concrete answer.

The Hermit
The Hermit shows up as a maybe and tells you to do some self-reflection to figure out if this is what you really want. If you want that job, the Hermit is telling you that maybe you will receive it. However, it is also telling you to examine within to figure out why you really want this job. Perhaps you will find that it is really not going to be the best fit for you after doing some self-reflection.

Justice is the card that represents cause and effect. Therefore, if you are doing everything in your power to increase your chances of getting this job, maybe there is something more you can do. If you work hard, then you will get what you want, or the equivalent of it. Perhaps you need to make a change when it comes to preparing for the interview the right way. Also, ask yourself whether or not you have earned this job. Are you qualified? Maybe you are, but prepare yourself for the chance that someone who has higher qualifications than you will be the one chosen to get the job.
Hanged Man

The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man is the card that represents suspension and waiting. Perhaps this card represents that even though the HR department of the employer you applied to received your resume, they are not ready to decide on which applicant to hire just yet. The Hanged Man is telling you to hang tight, just for a little longer.
Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune always represents a change in a cycle. Therefore, you know that you will end up with a job, even though you have your heart set out on this particular one. However, this card tells you that maybe you will end up with it, or maybe something better for you will come around the corner. That is why this is one of the ‘maybe’ cards.

Temperance does not tell you ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ but more than maybe, it tells you to have faith that the right thing will come to you. If you are job seeking, Temperance tells you that you need to stay patient and have faith that you will end up with the right job – even if it does not turn out to be this one. Therefore, when you see this card as your outcome answer for ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ it tells you not to give up on this one – but to keep applying to other jobs anyway, so you don’t put all of your hope into one thing.
Two of Swords

Two of Swords
When the Two of Swords comes up, it represents that you have to make a tough decision. Therefore, if the Two of Swords comes up as the outcome for a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, it is asking you to really weigh the pros and cons. You will want to do that before setting your mind to something which could turn out disastrous. Therefore, you have your heart set out on this job. You hate the one you have. That is fine, but the Two of Swords tell you to weigh the pros and cons of this job you want and another one you are looking at. You may find a much better job for you in the practical sense than the one you have your heart set on.
Four of Swords

Four of Swords
Four of Swords is a card that represents meditation, rest, and sleeping. If this card comes up as the definitive answer outcome, it tells you that maybe you will get what you want, but it asks you if this is what you really want. The card encourages you to meditate on it or even sleep on it, literally. You really want to get this job, but the Four of Swords is asking you to sleep on the idea of looking for something else as you could potentially be putting all of your eggs into one basket. There are similarities between this card and the Hermit.
Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords
When the Queen of Swords shows up as the outcome card, it represents ‘maybe’ because the message from this archetype is for you to use your unbiased judgment to see if the job (or something else) is really what you want. Go with what your head tells you and not your heart. If the job is a good and practical fit, then you will see it is worth pursuing. However, be open to the idea that something more suitable may come around for you. Basically, the Queen of Swords is telling you to keep your emotions out of the outcome you want and look out for what is best for you otherwise. There may be a chance this job is not suitable for you after all.
King of Swords

King of Swords
the King of Swords tarot card that comes up as a ‘maybe’ outcome tells you not to have your heart shattered if you don’t get the job and keep looking for jobs that are the best for you. And at the same time, he tells you if you were to get the job, don’t get overly excited as it isn’t as exciting and enticing as it appears. In fact, you may come across challenges that you did not anticipate, and you have to be bold enough to handle them without giving in to your emotions.
Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands
When the Nine of Wands shows up as the ‘maybe’ outcome card, it asks you if you are prepared to work extra hard to secure your position if you land it. It may also be telling you that even though you are tired of looking for other jobs, the fact that you don’t know one way or another insinuates that you should keep looking – even though you are tired. Or, it may be saying that you may land this job, but keep plugging away at applying to different employers anyway in case you do not.
Four of Cups

Four of Cups
The Four of Cups is the card that represents boredom, contemplation, or mediation. That is also the card that shows up when you will lose out on an opportunity because of being too focused on something that may not be right for you after all. Therefore, the Four of Cups that comes as the outcome says ‘maybe’ for a few reasons.
Firstly, it is telling you to meditate on whether or not the job is right for you. It is also telling you that if you were to accept this position, you might miss out on something else that is better for you. Or, it could be saying, you may get the job but you will grow bored of it quickly and will want to look for something else a month or two later. That won’t look good on your resume if that happens.
Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups
When the Seven of Cups shows up as the outcome card, it states ‘maybe’ because that is the card that represents you being presented with too many choices or opportunities. It can also represent the shiny object syndrome. Therefore, if this card shows up, it may insinuate that it is a possibility that you may land this job. However, it is also telling you not to accept right away as something better for you may be around the corner. Or, it tells you that you may end up with the job, but you will want to think about what was so enticing about it. Was it a case of it appearing more enticing than it really is, which is also a case of the shiny object syndrome? Those are the things to think about.
Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles
The Two of Pentacles that shows up as the outcome card as ‘maybe’ tell you that if you do get this job, be prepared to juggle a lot of your time. You may find that you could end up working overtime more often than you like. If that happens, it will be difficult for you to balance work and home life. That is something to consider before accepting the job if you do get it.
Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles
The Seven of Pentacles is a card that tells you to wait and watch the growth. You may find that when this card comes up as the outcome card, it can imply that you may get what you want, but not right away. Therefore, the Seven of Pentacles is telling you that there is a possibility that you will get the job you want, but not right away. Or, maybe you can get the job later if you earn a particular credential the employer is looking for. Therefore, if you want the job, the card does not tell you it won’t happen, but it may suggest it won’t happen quite yet.
Now you understand that these tarot cards represent ‘maybe’ as the outcome. But the gist of it is that if one of these cards shows up as the definitive answer to a question, you are better off with taking it as a ‘no’ because of having so many things to consider. Even if these cards are not saying ‘no,’ don’t put your heart into it. Only put your heart into something that you know is meant for you. You can always keep the possibility of a ‘maybe’ turning into a ‘yes’ at a later time.