How Do You Increase The Accuracy Of Your Tarot Readings?

How Do You Increase The Accuracy Of Your Tarot Readings?

You do realize that no matter how good your tarot reading is, the future cannot be set into stone which is why if you do a tarot spread for the future, the outcome can always change due to free will. Therefore, accuracy can be thrown out the window if you are doing a...
Can You Read Tarot Cards For Stuffed Animals?

Can You Read Tarot Cards For Stuffed Animals?

When you are practicing reading the tarot, you may incline to practice on stuffed animals or toys (usually stuffed animals since many adults have them whether they want to admit it or not) if you cannot find practice buddies (they are easy to find as all you need to...
Can You Say ‘No’ Anyone Who Asks For A Tarot Reading?

Can You Say ‘No’ Anyone Who Asks For A Tarot Reading?

If you are a tarot reader, you may believe that whoever asks you for a tarot reading, you need to give it to them. However, I cannot tell you how many times I have imagined an old school bully or someone I believe could be a flying monkey of an enemy asking me for a...