The Tower card in the Major Arcana of the tarot is another card that is feared and misunderstood the same way as Death. The Tower represents sudden destruction, unforeseen change, crisis, danger, but it also presents liberation. Which means that old thing that no...
The Temperance card of the Major Arcana of the tarot represents moderation and balance in life. Temperance also represents patience and finding ways to be patient, staying calm, and finding the middle road for the prevention of extremes. It is the card that represents...
Death is the one card in the Major Arcana of the tarot that represents endings and transformations. It does not represent physical death except for rare cases such as when doing reading about a terminally ill patient. However, aside from that, Death literally means...
The Hanged Man is a card in the Major Arcana of the tarot that represents sacrifices made, surrender, or a suspension in time. This card also represents breaking old patterns as well as bad habits. The Hanged Man card is the one indicative of preparing yourself for...
Justice is the card in the Major Arcana of the tarot that represents everything about balance, fairness, and cause and effect. This is the card that represents karmic results as well as taking responsibility for actions. In fact, this card is extremely...