Ahh! I still remember that day in November of 2020 when Pfizer, the first COVID-19 vaccine, had outstanding results. It was 95 percent effective! That was such fantastic news since we were holed up in quarantine for months since then because that was the best news...
You see a mom out in the park with her infant or toddler, and she seems incredibly cheerful, and she dressed up nicely. She talks about her daily responsibilities. You can tell she is overwhelmed, but she acts as if she has everything together since she adds some...
Today, I will write about another essential piece relevant to today’s chosen combination: the Ace of Swords and the Hierophant. As you know, the Ace of Swords is about mental clarity, ah-ha moments, and having strength in the face of adversity. It is a card that...
Today, I am going to write about something different and something profound. And before I get into the nitty-gritty of what I will write about, I will ask you this question. If you have gone to a tarot reader or a psychic, did you know a thing about their past? Maybe...