7 Tarot Cards That Represent Lying

7 Tarot Cards That Represent Lying

Everyone pulls a Pinnochio at some point in their lives, and that is no lie. Some people lie more than others, and some are pathological liars. Fortunately, that is not the norm, and the average person will not have a reason to lie unless they feel that is the only...
7 Tarot Cards That Represent Narcisissm

7 Tarot Cards That Represent Narcisissm

You can use the tarot to depict pretty much everything in life. Life experiences, personality traits, emotions, and so on. You have already read about how tarot can represent aspects of depression, and it can also represent other conditions such as anxiety. Tarot can...
Seven Of Swords – Minor Arcana

Seven Of Swords – Minor Arcana

The Seven of Swords is a card that represents deception as well as betrayal, and trickery. It also can be a sign that you are acting in a strategic way to go after something that will benefit you or someone is doing that to you. It can also be the card that shows that...