10 Tarot Cards That Show Up When There Is Money On The Way For You
Tarot readings are popular for a variety of reasons. They would want to know what may be in store for them regarding their current or future relationships. Second, they’ll want to gain insight into their careers. They will also want to know if they are on the...
Creative Writing: Incorporating The Cups Suit Tarot Cards As Part Of Your Characters’ Personalities
You already know how the Major Arcana of the tarot can depict characters you create in your stories, whether you plan to write a novel or a nonfiction piece. You also know that you will want to add ‘flavor’ to the characters’ personalities that you...
7 Tarot Cards That Represent A Feast
You can never go wrong with a feast unless you are on a weight loss plan. However, even then, you can still enjoy a ‘cheat meal’ when you receive an invitation to an event where you will be doing plenty of eating. I have been the type to yo-yo with my...