Why Are Plenty Of Tarot Readers Conspiracy Theorists?

Why Are Plenty Of Tarot Readers Conspiracy Theorists?

You know, when I was getting myself into metaphysics after trying to search within as to why I suffered so much in life, I became excited when I met others who shared the same interests. If someone loved astrology, oh, I was so happy if someone shared an interest in...
Should You Quit Reading Tarot When Mercury Is In Retrograde?

Should You Quit Reading Tarot When Mercury Is In Retrograde?

That time is about to happen yet again, which is Mercury going into retrograde. That event occurs about three to four times a year, and that is when panic sets in a lot of people. When Mercury is in retrograde is a time of things that can go wrong, do go wrong. Or do...
Horoscope: January 25th to February 1st

Horoscope: January 25th to February 1st

What is happening this week? On the 28th, you have the Leo Full Moon, as the Sun in Aquarius opposes the Moon in Leo. It is also called the Snow Moon. That is an excellent time for self-exploration and to evaluate your originality and creativity. How can you use it to...