Seven Of Wands – Minor Arcana

Seven Of Wands – Minor Arcana

The Seven of Wands (Seven of Fire in the Penguin tarot) is the card that represents challenges headed your way as well as competition. But this card is about protecting what you have and what you have worked for. This is the card that also represents perseverance. You...
Six Of Wands – Minor Arcana

Six Of Wands – Minor Arcana

The Six of Wands (Six of Fire in the Penguin Tarot) in the Minor Arcanais also known as the victory card. This one rules success, self-confidence, excellent progress being made, as well as recognition. And this is the card that comes up when you are told that the job...
Five Of Wands – Minor Arcana

Five Of Wands – Minor Arcana

The Five of Wands (Five of Fire in the Penguin Tarot) in the Minor Arcana is the card that represents disagreements, arguments, competition, and conflict. Additionally, there is also a lot of tension found with this card. As you know the Four of Wands was the card...
Four Of Wands – Minor Arcana

Four Of Wands – Minor Arcana

The Four of Wands (Four of Fire in the Penguin Tarot) is known as the celebration card. This is the card that represents harmony, joy, relaxation as well as homecoming. This card can also be indicative of a major milestone that is being celebrated, as well as being...
Three Of Wands – Minor Arcana

Three Of Wands – Minor Arcana

The Three of Wands (Three of Fire in the Penguin Tarot deck) in the Minor Arcana is the card that rules expansion, as well as foresight and progress with the plan you had in place that you had made indicated by the Two of Wands. There is also a consideration of more...