Three Of Swords – Minor Arcana

Three Of Swords – Minor Arcana

The Three of Swords (Three of Wind in the Penguin tarot deck) is the heartbreak card in the Minor Arcana. This is the card that represents sorrow, sadness, hurt, emotional pain as well as grief. At the very least it can represent disappointment by having your hopes on...
Two Of Swords – Minor Arcana

Two Of Swords – Minor Arcana

The Two of Swords (Two of Wind in the Penguin tarot deck) is the card in the Minor Arcana that represents having to make a difficult decision and not being sure what path to take. It is important to weigh the pros and cons when making the decision, and this is a...
Ace Of Swords – Minor Arcana

Ace Of Swords – Minor Arcana

The Ace of Swords (or the Ace of Wind in the Penguin tarot) is the first card in the Sword suit of the Minor Arcana that represents mental clarity and a mental breakthrough. This can be indicative that there are new ideas as well as something that is successful from a...
King Of Wands – Minor Arcana

King Of Wands – Minor Arcana

The King of Wands is a court card and there is no interest in this card to create and conjure up ideas. This is the card that represents being a visionary leader and directing others who are following you towards a goal that you all have in common. The King is a...
Queen Of Wands – Minor Arcana

Queen Of Wands – Minor Arcana

The Queen of Wands is a court card that represents confidence, engaging with others, determination, courage, and independence. This is an upbeat card and it sends a message that you are here to see through your own visions of creativity as well as the soul purpose....