What is one word to describe life? Tumultuous? Interesting? A rollercoaster? The Fool would agree, as he has experienced many phases and stages in his life since he started out as the Fool, to the point that these changes caused him to self-reflect, which caused him...
Traveling to different places several times a year or even once a year is something that many people enjoy doing. When the idea of traveling is discussed in astrological terms, Mercury and Jupiter come to mind. Jupiter rules expansion of horizons, and Mercury rules...
Metaphysics and anything esoteric can be associated with almost anything. Even simple activities you choose to do on a certain day or night have an astrological association. For example, when the Sun is in Cancer, people are often influenced to spend more time...
People are aware that geography and astrology are related. This means that countries and cities are each represented by a different zodiac sign due to their nature. Are there other esoteric factors, such as numerology? Likewise, that is true. Additionally, tarot cards...
Due to the solid archetypical nature of dog breeds, there are plenty of breeds that have personalities that match those of the tarot cards. Additionally, because some of the meanings behind the cards are sometimes hard to remember, if you can associate them with...