Five Of Cups And Tower: Sudden Angry Outbursts
Everyone gets angry out of nowhere every once in a while for a variety of reasons. Anger usually results from one’s need not being met as well as betrayal. It also results from having to watch injustices happen, whether or not it is happening to the one who is...
10 Tarot Cards That Indicate That A Breakup Is On The Way
Most people get tarot readings because they want to know what their future holds in terms of their relationships. People looking for love want to see if they will meet their special someone soon. The people who go for these readings want to know where their...
Creative Writing: Incorporating The Cups Suit Tarot Cards As Part Of Your Characters’ Personalities
You already know how the Major Arcana of the tarot can depict characters you create in your stories, whether you plan to write a novel or a nonfiction piece. You also know that you will want to add ‘flavor’ to the characters’ personalities that you...