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I am honored to do a review on a new book written by renowned intuitive psychic medium Char Margolis, You Are Psychic: 7 Steps to Discover Your Own Psychic Abilities. Before getting too much into the book, let’s talk about Char Margolis. Many people know who she is, but not many people are aware of her background. Let’s go over that now.

Who Is Char Margolis?

Char Margolis is an intuitive psychic medium who has been practicing for over 50 years and is also the author of many books, including The Universe Is Calling You. She has written these books, including You Are Psychic: 7 Steps to Discover Your Own Psychic Abilities, because she wants others to learn how to tap into their psychic gifts since everyone has them. But some have it more robust than others, and it is like a muscle that needs to be exercised to get good at it.

When Char was a child, she was able not only to see spirits but could see situations unfolding in the future. However, she feared what she saw since she could not understand them. However, as she got older and as she explored her abilities, she started accepting this gift she had. Char worked at improving and strengthening her skills.

Char attended seances when she was younger and was guided by the spirit guide, Red Feather, who communicated with her. Char also was on Live with Regis while intuitively tuning into Kelly’s pregnancy, and she also did plenty of readings on radio and TV.

Eventually, she wanted to teach others how to develop their gifts and help ease the fear of death by allowing them to realize that no one truly dies. Instead, they transition to the Other Side while shedding their bodies to meet their loved ones who passed on again. Now that you have some background on the author, let’s talk about You Are Psychic: 7 Steps to Discover Your Own Psychic Abilities.

About You Are Psychic: 7 Steps to Discover Your Own Psychic Abilities

Char’s book, You Are Psychic: 7 Steps to Discover Your Own Psychic Abilities, is a guide that genuinely mentors you on how you can develop your psychic abilities. She makes it clear that anyone can be psychic and shares exercises with you on how to develop those abilities, such as doing breathwork and gratitude, journaling, and meditation.

She tells readers how they can listen and trust their intuition and pay attention to solid feelings they get when an emotion has nothing to do with it. The Universe always sends messages, whether it is through deja vu or dreams. It is up to you how to interpret it.

Even though emotions are necessary to experience, whether positive or negative, she tells you that it is best to work through negative emotions and release them, so there is room for the positive ones to help raise the frequency of doing the work properly. I have to say this is the part that challenges me a lot. I am working on it, though.

A New Book To Add To Your Library For Psychic Training

If you are working on strengthening your psychic and intuition skills, then you will want to add You Are Psychic: 7 Steps to Discover Your Own Psychic Abilities to your library. It is a good and helpful book with plenty of excellent tools and tips for improving your abilities. It is also easy to follow, and Char gives you a warm feeling as you read the book. Take your time to master the steps individually before going to the next one. It is worth the investment for your psychic development.

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