Mental Health & Tarot

Tarot as a Self-Help Tool

Tarot is not just for divination and predictions. It can also be used as a tool to help you with your mental health. Many people don’t know how tarot can help you gain a deeper insight into your mind and how it affects your life.

Explore Your Emotions (and More!)

For many people, tarot cards can be a great way to explore your relationships and emotions. If you are looking for ways to use tarot cards for your mental health, you have come to the right place.

Tarot, Destiny, And Free Will: Does Tarot Really Predict The Future?

Tarot, Destiny, And Free Will: Does Tarot Really Predict The Future?

Even though some events and incidents in your life are fated, I don’t like to say that whatever a tarot brings out that things are set in stone. When it comes to astrology, I believe that some things in your horoscope indicate fated incidents and events happening at certain times in your life. With tarot, in some cases, yes, and in some cases no. 

That is why I personally prefer to read tarot to help provide the querent insight rather than predicting things that will happen. However, tarot can indeed predict fated things, but it can help give you options of how to handle any fated event.

What Can You Do If Your Tarot Reading Is Disastrous?

What Can You Do If Your Tarot Reading Is Disastrous?

It happens to every tarot reader. They do a reading for themselves or a client, and then they end up conjuring up a disaster. For instance, they may end up with a cheerful card at the beginning of the reading, such as the Sun. However, the following cards end up being the Tower or the Ten of Swords, or the Three of Swords, or others. Therefore, things look good at first; then it blows up into smoke. The spread spells disaster or bad news in general.

When A Positive Tarot Card Shows Up, Is That Always A Good Thing?

When A Positive Tarot Card Shows Up, Is That Always A Good Thing?

When you go for a tarot reading, you are looking forward to having cards such as The Sun, or The Star pulled for you. That is because they are positive cards, and if you have a positive card that is indicative of something in your future, then that is great news for you. You can relax and enjoy yourself because you have some good news. However, is that really the case? Is it really true that each time you see a positive tarot card pulled for you that it indicates something coming that is great for you?

How Can Tarot Cards Help You Make A Decision?

How Can Tarot Cards Help You Make A Decision?

One of the challenging things that happen to those who struggle with poor mental health, as I know from experience myself is that decision-making is a struggle. However, that is another way tarot cards can assist you. Tarot cards can help you with your decision-making abilities in several ways. If you are trying to make a simple decision about what type of clothes to wear or what type of restaurant to eat at, you can pull one card. The one card can help you narrow down your choices.