Enneagramscope: October 26th To November 2nd
Venus finally enters its home sign, Libra, which will help temper the intense energies of Mars retrograde making a harsh aspect to Pluto which is what is responsible for many arguments going on. In addition to that, Mercury in retrograde has not helped in that regard...
Enneagramscope: October 12th To October 19th
This is a tough week you are entering as on the 14th, Mercury goes into retrograde in Scorpio and stays in retrograde until Election Day which is November 3rd. There will be plenty of communication problems as well considering that Mars is in retrograde in Aries until...
Enneagramscope: October 5th To October 12th
There will be some hard aspects this week to prepare for and Pluto going direct in Capricorn was the beginning. Pluto direct forces you to make transformations as you will be forced to face your demons if you buried them during the retrograde that started on April...
Enneagramscope: September 28th To October 5th
There are a few important transits happening this week and the week starts off with Saturn going back into direct in Capricorn on the 29th. If you have been feeling there has been more work to accomplish over the last few months than you could, then finally you will...