Seven Of Swords – Minor Arcana
The Seven of Swords is a card that represents deception as well as betrayal, and trickery. It also can be a sign that you are acting in a strategic way to go after something that will benefit you or someone is doing that to you. It can also be the card that shows that...
Six Of Swords – Minor Arcana
When the Six of Swords (Six of Wind in the Penguin tarot deck) shows up, it is indicative of you leaving behind something that is no longer serving you. However, you need to move forward despite the fact that you have emotional ties to what you are leaving behind. You...
Five Of Swords – Minor Arcana
When the Five of Swords (Five of Wind in the Penguin tarot deck) shows up, it represents conflicts and a loss from having a conflict or a disagreement. There is also a sign of competition as well as defeat, and feelings of defeat. And even if you have won an argument,...