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The Lenormand cards are a unique deck of divination cards that originated in the 19th century. Named after the famous French fortune-teller Marie Anne Lenormand, this deck consists of 36 cards, each with a specific image and meaning. The Lenormand cards are known for their straightforward nature and ability to provide precise and accurate insights into various aspects of life.

Unlike popular divination systems like the tarot, the Lenormand cards focus more on everyday situations, events, and people. They offer practical guidance and are often used to answer specific questions or provide detailed information about a particular situation. The cards are typically read in combination, enabling the reader to create a narrative or story that answers the seeker’s query.

Here is an overview of the Lenormand card meanings:

1. Rider: Represents news, messages, or an arrival.
2. Clover: Signifies luck, opportunity, and unexpected events.
3. Ship: Symbolizes travel, journeys, and long-distance communication.
4. House: Represents the home, family, and domestic matters.
5. Tree: Signifies health, growth, and stability.
6. Clouds: Represents confusion, uncertainty, and hidden aspects.
7. Snake: Symbolizes deceit, betrayal, and challenges.
8. Coffin: Indicates endings, transformations, and letting go.
9. Bouquet: Signifies beauty, happiness, and gifts.
10. Scythe: Represents sudden changes, accidents, and decisions.
11. Whip: Symbolizes conflicts, arguments, and challenges.
12. Birds: Indicates communication, conversations, and socializing.
13. Child: Signifies new beginnings, innocence, and simplicity.
14. Fox: Represents cunning, manipulation, and work-related matters.
15. Bear: Symbolizes strength, power, and authority.
16. Stars: Signifies hope, guidance, and aspirations.
17. Stork: Represents change, progress, and fertility.
18. Dog: Symbolizes loyalty, friendship, and companionship.
19. Tower: Signifies isolation, authority, and institutions.
20. Garden: Represents social gatherings, events, and public spaces.
21. Mountain: Symbolizes obstacles, challenges, and delays.
22. Crossroads: Signifies choices, decisions, and multiple paths.
23. Mice: Represents worries, loss, and stress.
24. Heart: Symbolizes love, relationships, and emotions.
25. Ring: Signifies commitments, contracts, and partnerships.
26. Book: Represents knowledge, secrets, and learning.
27. Letter: Symbolizes written communication, documents, and information.
28. Man: Signifies a male figure, masculinity, and characteristics.
29. Woman: Represents a female figure, femininity, and characteristics.
30. Lily: Symbolizes tranquility, maturity, and wisdom.
31. Sun: Signifies success, happiness, and vitality.
32. Moon: Represents intuition, dreams, and subconscious.
33. Key: Symbolizes opportunities, solutions, and unlocking.
34. Fish: Signifies abundance, wealth, and financial matters.
35. Anchor: Represents stability, security, and perseverance.
36. Cross: Symbolizes burdens, challenges, and spirituality.

Each card’s meaning can vary depending on its position in a spread, the surrounding cards, and the question asked. The Lenormand cards offer a practical and down-to-earth approach to divination, focusing on the everyday aspects of life and providing clear and concise guidance.

I will first share the distinct differences between Lenormand and tarot cards. Then, I will briefly review each Lenormand card, compare them to the most fitting tarot card, and explain why. However, let’s first review the differences between tarot and Lenormand.

What Are the Differences Between Lenormand and Tarot Cards

Lenormand and tarot are two distinct systems of divination, each with its own set of cards and methods of interpretation. Here are some key differences between Lenormand and tarot:

Card Structure: The Lenormand deck comprises 36 cards, whereas the Tarot deck typically contains 78 cards. Lenormand cards are often smaller and have simple, straightforward imagery, usually depicting a single object or symbol. On the other hand, tarot cards are larger and more detailed, featuring rich symbolism and intricate scenes.

Card Meanings: Lenormand cards have specific meanings, often related to everyday objects, people, or situations. These meanings are literal and focused on practical matters. On the other hand, Tarot cards have more complex and varied interpretations, often encompassing multiple layers of symbolism, archetypes, and spiritual themes.

Reading Techniques: Lenormand readings often involve combinations of cards, known as card pairs or card spreads. These combinations are read together to form a narrative or answer a specific question. Tarot readings, on the other hand, can involve various spreads and layouts, such as the Celtic Cross or the Three-Card Spread. Tarot readings can delve into more profound psychological and spiritual aspects, offering guidance and insight into a broader range of life’s questions.

Focus and Style: Lenormand readings tend to be more practical and down-to-earth, focusing on daily life, relationships, and events. They provide specific answers and guidance to immediate concerns. On the other hand, Tarot readings often explore broader themes and offer deeper introspection, addressing spiritual growth, personal transformation, and self-reflection.

Historical Origins: Lenormand cards are named after Marie Anne Lenormand, a renowned 18th-century French fortune-teller. The system is based on a combination of playing cards, and a divination method called the Grand Jeu. On the other hand, tarot cards have a more extended history. They are believed to have originated in the 15th century as playing cards before evolving into a tool for divination and spiritual exploration.

Both systems offer unique approaches to divination and can be valuable tools for self-reflection and understanding, so many readers use both to find different perspectives or prefer one another. Even though Lenormand and tarot cards serve various purposes, you can still compare each Lenormand card to a tarot card. And let’s do that right now!

Comparing Each Lenormand Card to a Tarot Card

1. Rider – Knight of Swords – The Rider card in Lenormand represents news, messages, or an arrival, while the Knight of Swords in Tarot represents swift action, movement, and communication. Both cards convey a sense of urgency, quickness, and the arrival or delivery of important information. The Eight Of Wands can also be a card in common with the Rider due to fast movement

2. Clover – The Wheel of Fortune – Both cards symbolize luck and the influence of fate. They represent unexpected opportunities and positive outcomes that can lead to a shift in your circumstances. The Star can also have an association as it means hope.

3. Ship – The Chariot – Both cards represent movement, travel, and journeys. They signify taking control of your destiny and embarking on a new adventure or transition. The Eight Of Wands can also be an associated card due to air travel, whereas the Six of Swords counts as it represents travel on water.

4. House – The High Priestess – Both cards represent the domestic sphere and the subconscious mind. They symbolize the importance of intuition, inner wisdom, and the home environment in shaping one’s experiences. Another card representing this is the Empress, which means home, security, and nurturing. Also, the Four of Wands represents stability, and the Queen of Pentacles represents nurturing and earthy love.

5. Tree – The Empress – Both cards represent growth, abundance, and nurturing. They symbolize fertility, physical well-being, and the importance of self-care and cultivating relationships. The Seven of Pentacles can also be compared to this one due to its slow growth.

6. Clouds -The Moon – Both cards represent illusions, confusion, and hidden emotions. They indicate the need to trust intuition and navigate uncertainties to gain clarity and understanding. The Two of Swords is another similar card, representing struggling to decide.

7. Snake – The Devil – Both cards represent temptations, manipulation, and challenges. They symbolize the presence of negative influences or toxic situations that need to be confronted and overcome. Other cards that can be compared to the snake are the Seven of Swords for deception and backstabbing, the Five of Wands for competition, and someone purposely starting a fight.

8. Coffin – Death – Both cards represent endings, transformations, and letting go. They symbolize the necessity of releasing old patterns or situations to make space for new beginnings and personal growth. The Ten of Swords can also be compared to this card as it represents endings, and the World is about completion.

9. Bouquet – The Sun – Both cards represent joy, happiness, and blessings. They signify the presence of positive energy, optimism, and the potential for success and fulfillment. Other cards that can be compared are the Three of Cups for celebration, the Nine of Cups for wishes coming true, and the Ten of Cups for fulfillment.

10. Scythe – The Tower – Both cards indicate sudden changes, disruptions, and the need for decisive action. They can represent unexpected challenges or the breaking down old structures to create a fresh start. Death and the Ten of Swords also represent endings that can be compared to Scythe.

11. Whip – Five of Wands – Both cards symbolize conflicts, arguments, and challenges. They indicate the need for open communication, negotiation, and finding common ground to resolve differences. The Tower can also be tied to this card as it is all about sudden destruction, and even on some level, the Five of Swords as it is about feeling defeated after a conflict.

12. Birds – Three of Swords – Both cards represent communication, conversations, and socializing. They can also indicate emotional pain, heartache, or the need for honest communication to heal and find resolution. However, in a more neutral comparison, all of the Pages of the four suits can be compared to the Birds as they are all messengers.

13. Child – The Fool – Both cards represent new beginnings, innocence, and simplicity. They symbolize taking a leap of faith, embracing spontaneity, and being open to new experiences. The Six of Cups can also be compared to this card, representing nostalgia.

14. Fox – Seven of Swords – Both cards symbolize cunning, manipulation, and work-related matters. They indicate the presence of deception, the need to be cautious and to trust your instincts in business or professional situations. Sometimes, the Fox is about work-related stuff, so the Queen of Pentacles can be a fit as she is a provider.

15. Bear – Strength – Both cards represent strength, power, and authority. They symbolize the need to tap into your inner strength, maintain composure, and use your influence wisely. Sometimes, the Emperor is a match because it represents the one in control, and Ten of Wands represents being overburdened so that they can fit.

16. Star – The Star – Both cards represent hope, guidance, and aspirations. They symbolize inspiration, optimism, and manifesting your dreams and desires. The Nine of Cups can also represent this card as it is about wishes coming true.

17. Stork – Death – Both cards represent change, progress, and fertility. They symbolize transformation, rebirth, and the need to embrace transitions and adapt to new circumstances. The other tarot card that can be fitted is the Wheel of Fortune, which represents a change in direction or cycle, or the Eight of Wands, a quick movement.

18. Dog – The Lovers – Both cards represent loyalty, friendship, and companionship. They symbolize strong connections, partnerships, and the importance of trust and mutual support. Also, the Queen of Cups fits as she is the loyal friend and caretaker, and the King of Cups is a caring, nurturing provider and the Empress.

19. Tower – The Tower – Both cards represent isolation, authority, and institutions. The Tower in the tarot can represent being isolated, which is not known to many. However, both symbolize the breaking down of old structures, overcoming limitations, and seeking freedom and independence. The Hermit can also be fitting as it represents isolation, and the Hierophant is about institutions and Justice, the legal system.

20. Garden – The World – Both cards represent social gatherings, events, and public spaces. They symbolize completion, celebration, and integrating different aspects of your life. The Four of Wands, representing celebration and parties, and the Three of Cups, representing celebration with friends, can fit this too.

21. Mountain – The Hanged Man – Both cards represent obstacles, challenges, and delays. They symbolize the need for patience, surrender, and gaining a new perspective to overcome difficulties. The Eight of Swords can be a fit as it represents feeling trapped.

22. Crossroads – Two of Wands – Both cards represent choices, decisions, and multiple paths. They symbolize the need to make crucial decisions, consider different options, and take calculated risks. Other tarot cards representing this are the Two of Swords, about struggling to make a hard decision, and the Seven of Cups, which means too many choices and options.

23. Mice – Five of Cups – Both cards represent worries, loss, and stress. They indicate emotional setbacks, disappointment, and the need to find healing and move forward. The other cards that can represent the Mice are Seven of Swords, representing the Nine of Swords, representing anxiety and worry, and Five of Pentacles, representing material or financial loss.

24. Heart – The Lovers – Both cards represent love, relationships, and emotions. They symbolize deep connections, romantic partnerships, and the need for balance and harmony in your relationships. Another fitting card is Ace of Cups, meaning a new love. Two of Cups, meaning being in love as a couple, and Six of Pentacles, about donations.

25. Ring – The Hierophant – Both cards represent commitments, contracts, and partnerships. They symbolize formal agreements, traditional values, and the importance of seeking guidance and wisdom from a higher authority. Other cards that fit with this are Lovers, which represent commitment, and even the Devil, which is the higher octave of the Lovers, but it goes to the territory of attachments.

26. Book – The Hermit – Both cards represent knowledge, secrets, and learning. They symbolize introspection, solitude, and the pursuit of wisdom through self-reflection and inner exploration. The Moon can also be fitting for this one as it is about secrets and keeping things hidden, and the same goes for the High Priestess.

27. Letter – Page of Swords – Both cards represent written communication, documents, and information. They symbolize the arrival of news, curiosity, and the need for mental agility and adaptability. The other pages represent this one as well.

28. Man – King of Wands – Both cards represent a male figure, masculinity, and characteristics. They symbolize leadership, ambition, and the qualities of passion and creativity. The Emperor and the other Kings may be fitting, too.

29. Woman – Queen of Cups – Both cards represent a female figure and feminine characteristics. They symbolize emotional intuition, nurturing qualities, and connecting with one’s emotions. The other Queens and the Empress may be fitting, too.

30. Lily – The Empress – Both cards represent tranquility, maturity, and wisdom. They symbolize nurturing energy, a harmonious environment, and the importance of self-care and self-love. Temperance also fits as it represents moderation and patience. Also, the King’s court cards are in each suit, as the Lily can represent older men and the Emperor.

31. Sun – The Sun – Both cards represent success, happiness, and vitality. They symbolize joy, optimism, and fulfilling your desires and goals. Other cards that fit are Six of Wands, a victory; Nine of Cups, wishes coming true; Ten of Cups, abundance; and the World, an achievement.

32. Moon – The Moon – Both cards represent intuition, dreams, and the subconscious. They symbolize the power of imagination, intuition, and exploring your inner depths. The other card that can fit is the High Priestess, which is intuition.

33. Key – The Magician – Both cards represent opportunities, solutions, and unlocking potential. They symbolize your ability to manifest your desires, tap into your inner resources, and create positive change. Other cards that fit are the Star, about hopes and aspirations, or the silver lining and the Sun, which is about success and achievement.

34. Fish – Six of Pentacles – Both cards represent abundance, wealth, and financial matters. They symbolize generosity, prosperity, and the importance of balanced giving and receiving. The Nine and Ten of Pentacles also fit as the Nine of Pentacles is about rewards for your hard work, and Ten is about wealth.

35. Anchor – The Devil – Both cards represent stability, security, and perseverance. They symbolize the need to break free from limiting beliefs or addictions and find inner strength and stability. The Four of Pentacles also fits as this is about hanging onto everything you have.

36. Cross – The Wheel of Fortune – Both cards represent burdens, challenges, and spirituality. They symbolize life’s cycles, destiny’s influence, and the need to adapt and find meaning in difficult times. However, the more fitting cards can be Three of Swords, sorrow, and pain; Nine of Swords, worry; and Five of Cups, disappointment, and loss.

Here are the key takeaways. Lenormand cards are a deck of 36 cards used for divination and fortune-telling. Named after the renowned 18th-century French fortune-teller Marie Anne Lenormand, they have gained popularity for their straightforward and practical approach to reading.

Each Lenormand card depicts a specific object or symbol, such as the Rider, the Ship, the Tree, or the Sun. These cards focus on everyday situations and themes, offering literal interpretations that can provide guidance and insight into various aspects of life.

Lenormand readings typically involve reading card combinations or pairs, where the adjacent cards are interpreted together to form a narrative. The cards’ meanings are often based on traditional associations and can vary depending on the context of the reading.

Unlike tarot cards, Lenormand cards rely not heavily on symbolism or spiritual themes. Instead, they provide practical information about relationships, work, health, and daily life. Lenormand readings are known for their directness and ability to offer specific answers to specific questions. However, as I did, you can compare each Lenormand card to the tarot and see the similarities of particular cards.

Whether seeking advice on love, career, or personal matters, Lenormand cards can provide valuable insights and clarity. They can help you navigate life’s challenges, make informed decisions, and understand the dynamics of various situations.

Overall, Lenormand cards offer a practical and down-to-earth approach to divination. They focus on the here and now and guide everyday life circumstances.

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