The relief that you feel after Mars went direct must be quite significant. While Mercury and Mars were in retrograde, that was difficult to handle. You will feel more motivated to get things done unlike you were over the last several months. Therefore, the Sagittarius...
Great news! That is Mars is now direct! This will only bring a lot of relief in the air given that Mercury is also direct. However, there are some strong transits happening this week to know about which starts with Venus in Libra squaring Jupiter in Capricorn. Be...
You are feeling relieved that Mercury went direct, and there is still plenty of activity happening this week. Firstly, it starts off with Mercury moving back to Scorpio as it was heading back to Libra for some time. This will help you become more perceptive and will...
Great news! Mercury goes direct on Election Day which is November 3rd. That means there will be fewer misunderstandings and fewer mishaps with electronics. However, you will not be out of the woods with it for a few weeks as it will still be in its shadow. That means...
Venus finally enters its home sign, Libra, which will help temper the intense energies of Mars retrograde making a harsh aspect to Pluto which is what is responsible for many arguments going on. In addition to that, Mercury in retrograde has not helped in that regard...