Alright, I am not going to pretend to be the positive one here because all of this is downright awful. I am being affected. My views are being affected. So I will not fight it and just let it happen. But I think with the Sun moving into Taurus on the 19th will help...
The energies are getting even more intense as we are nearing the COVID-19 peak. After dealing with the Jupiter and Pluto conjunction which is here to stay for a while, that is hard. And then on April 8th is the Pink Moon or the Libra Full Moon. This is a time when we...
The energies are just getting heavier this week as far as the COIVD-19 outbreak as it is the worst right now in the USA. And on April 3rd, social Venus moves into Gemini which means people will be more empathetic and will work together harmoniously. This is exactly...
Everyone is understandably occupied with the COVID-19 scare as people have been told to quarantine themselves in their homes in most places around the world. That is in order to slow the spread and to flatten the curve. The Aries New Moon is happening on the 24th and...
With Mercury direct, you may find that things, for the most part, are a little less wonky. However, with the COVID-19 scare, it may not feel that way. It has been affecting everyone. At the same time, with Mercury not being at the best sign which is Pisces, logical...