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The energies are just getting heavier this week as far as the COIVD-19 outbreak as it is the worst right now in the USA. And on April 3rd,  social Venus moves into Gemini which means people will be more empathetic and will work together harmoniously. This is exactly what is needed to slow the curb and even though people won’t be with one another physically, they will work together by abiding the social distancing rule which is how this virus can be beaten.
Additionally, on the same day, Mercury will meet up with Neptune in Pisces, and this can increase creativity as well as an attitude of altruism. Being stuck at home for so long will make you explore your creativity which is a good thing. However, this transit can also be indicative of illnesses and confusion. That is what is going on.
And on April 4th, a major transit that happens every 13 years is going on which is the Pluto and Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn. This will magnify any transformations that are happening. We are in for some strange times. Let’s see how each of the Enneatypes is affected this week.
Type 1 – The Reformer – Associated with Virgo and Gemini – The main focus this week is do so some volunteering. You want to make things right for others. You may not physically run any drives but you may be wanting to run some fundraisers or asking others to bring awareness for a cause that is important to you.
Type 2 – The Helper – Associated with Cancer – You are stuck home and that means you are going to be in the mood to decorate your home or make some changes. Perhaps that room can be converted into a home office? You will want to focus on that because when this ends (and it will), you will want to amaze those who you bring over again by how much work you did in your home.
Type 3 – The Achiever – Associated with Leo – You are putting your goal-getting actions into slower motion (but you are still going after what you need), and are developing a philosophical way of thinking about the situation. Perhaps it is true that the environment needs to do some healing.
Type 4 – The Individualist – Associated with Pisces – You will be urged to review your personal finances this week. It may make you emotional over how the interest rates are dropping, but remember, it will resolve once this ends.
Type 5 – The Observer – Associated with Aquarius – Even though you enjoy being alone, you are starting to get somewhat lonely. You will want to keep talking to others through texting and social media, even more, this week.
Type 6 – The Loyal Cynic – Associated with Capricorn – This week is going to stress you out more so it is important to take some time out for yourself to process what is going on. Take some time off of work (even though you are at home) if you must this week.
Type 7 – The Enthusiast – Associated with Sagittarius – There may be a new social platform or another method to talk to your friends and colleagues this week that you would be looking forward to a lot.
Type 8 – The Challenger – Aries and Scorpio – Even though the energies are heavy to take, you are leaning towards the 7 wing even if your dominant wing is 9, and you will find some reasons to be optimistic. Spread that around because others need it.
Type 9 – The Peacemaker – Associated with Taurus and Libra – You definitely need your privacy this week and if you have kids, you will want to make time for yourself and allow the screens to be their babysitters more often. These are strange circumstances.
The energies are heavy this week so the best thing to do is to hang in there because you have no choice otherwise.

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