What Do Negative Tarot Cards Mean? If you’re feeling lost, confused, or just generally down on your luck, consulting the tarot may be an excellent way to gain some clarity. While most tarot readings focus on the positive aspects of your life, the negative cards...
Many people with depression have a hard time finding the motivation to do anything according to WebMD. They may feel hopeless and see no way out of their situation. For those looking for relief from the pain, the tarot can be helpful in different ways. Tarot can offer...
You already know how the Major Arcana of the tarot can depict characters you create in your stories, whether you plan to write a novel or a nonfiction piece. You also know that you will want to add ‘flavor’ to the characters’ personalities that you...
You just learned about reading tarot to get ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ and ‘maybe’ answers. Therefore, tarot is an excellent alternative to using the pendulum when it comes to seeking definitive answers. It is not a surprise that the tarot cards...
The Four of Cups (Four of Ice in the Penguin tarot deck) has several meanings. This card represents saying ‘no’ to opportunities that are presented to you for a variety of reasons. It also can represent boredom, apathy, as well as contemplation, and...