Enneagramscope: November 23rd to November 30th
The relief that you feel after Mars went direct must be quite significant. While Mercury and Mars were in retrograde, that was difficult to handle. You will feel more motivated to get things done unlike you were over the last several months. Therefore, the Sagittarius...
Enneagramscope: September 28th To October 5th
There are a few important transits happening this week and the week starts off with Saturn going back into direct in Capricorn on the 29th. If you have been feeling there has been more work to accomplish over the last few months than you could, then finally you will...
Enneagramscope: September 14th to September 21st
Don’t beat yourself up if you are going into this week feeling incredibly unmotivated. Remember that Mars literally just went into retrograde. Thought Jupiter also went direct which may have offset some of that stagnant energy. However, you will feel a sense of...