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On the 20th, there will be a Full Moon in Pisces, which is a powerful Full Moon that will help you discover your personal power and inspiration. With a pragmatic approach, you can then become inspired to realize your dreams. On the same day, Mercury in Libra forms a trine to Jupiter in Aquarius, which can show you how to make your dreams come true, as it is a good time to plan and to learn new things that will help you. 

There will be a time to bring balance within as the Sun moves from Virgo into Libra on the 22nd (happy birthday, Libra!) to make life a little more harmonious. Early autumn is one of the reasons people enjoy it so much. Autumn also begins on this day. 

Mercury in Libra makes a square to Capricorn on the same day, so keep your mouth shut if you don’t have anything nice to say. Also, you may want to limit your exposure to social media on this day because harsh words can be exchanged. 

An opposition between Venus in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus occurs on September 23rd, bringing some surprises. Your finances can be suddenly affected, or the opposite may occur – it all depends on your horoscope!

Nevertheless, on the 25th, Mars in Libra makes a trine to Saturn in Aquarius, providing additional strength and courage for completing difficult tasks. It doesn’t have to be finished in one day. It is a good time to finish your projects for the next few weeks, with Mercury in retrograde beginning in Libra on the 26th. Your logic and communication may be out of balance. We’ll see how your sign does this week. 

Aries – You would greatly benefit from working with a mentor this week. You normally prefer to work alone, but if you lack the motivation to accomplish your goals, a mentor can be an excellent source of inspiration. The Hierophant tarot card is for you, which means listening to what the expert and experienced one says when it comes to going after your goals. 

Taurus – Recently, plenty of envious feelings have been, but you can turn them into inspiration instead. It is possible to be inspired by what another individual has that you desire. For example, if the person you envied had a more successful marketing strategy, observe them and learn their secret. It can work for you. One way to cure envy is to do that. The Nine of Pentacles comes up, which means that you will be rewarded in a great way if you work towards it and follow what they do instead of begrudging them. 

Gemini – You will experience negative effects this week as your ruler is in its shadow, which will negatively impact your memory and thinking. Verify your writing three times. It is always a good idea to read a text or email before sending it. Memory loss may make it difficult for you to keep a list. When you feel you need to do something important, plug it into your smartphone so you will be reminded to do it when an alarm goes off. The Two of Pentacles comes up, which reminds you to prioritize the method of reminding yourself to double-check everything before you do anything else. 

Cancer – You have been feeling unproductive lately, as if you are not getting anywhere with your work. Working hard and not achieving anything is frustrating. You will learn some strategies to help you solve some of those problems in this week’s lesson. As the Full Moon approaches, you will realize that you need to work smarter rather than harder, allowing you to feel more productive and accomplished. The Eight of Pentacles comes up, which means that it is time to up your skills to learn how to work in productive ways instead of wasting energy. 

Leo – This week is about evaluating your values. Maybe your values aren’t aligned with them, and you need some time alone to reflect on them. You can only remain true to yourself then. So the Hermit card is the appropriate card which signifies that you do need to have time alone to evaluate your values and anything else. 

Virgo – You may display impulsive behavior that isn’t in your nature. There is a chance that you may end up spending more money on luxuries than you normally would, and you may incur a large credit card bill as a result. The Full Moon and Mercury’s shadow are behind this influence. Plan your money ahead of time so that you won’t regret your purchase down the road. That way, you can convince yourself to buy something luxurious. The Four of Pentacles comes up, which is a reminder to set up a budget and live by it. 

Libra – You may feel tempted to act out of character during this week. If allowed, remote workers can bring their laptop and rocket stick to a national park and set up an office there. You might consider skydiving or climbing a wall on your day off. A deep desire inside of you drives your desire to experience something new and unique. The Ace of Wands comes up, which means you will find some powerful inspiration to do something but make it worthwhile and not risky. 

Scorpio – During this week’s challenge, you will have to do something you have never done before. Online challenges such as blogging challenges or marketing challenges are available. As a result, your horizons are broadened, and your comfort zone is a little pushed. The Wheel of Fortune comes up, which means you are at a turning point, and that is a good thing. 

Sagittarius – It will be fascinating to work with someone to fulfill your desire to create a side project. You have numerous opportunities to start your own podcast or have a guest each week if you haven’t already done so. In addition, you may want to create a new course series and share it with someone. However, the Two of Wands comes up, which means it is not the time to execute anything but put something you want to begin into the planning stage and do it carefully. 

Capricorn – There will come a time when you will need to use some new skills you just learned to solve a problem or help someone solve a problem. You will feel more confident after completing that process, and you may be able to restore some self-confidence that you’ve lost in the past few months. The Six of Pentacles comes up, which means you will not necessarily be donating money to anyone, but your time, you will be helping someone, which will make you feel good. 

Aquarius – If you work from home, you will be more productive. The environment that you are used to at home is definitely necessary right now. You may lose your concentration in an office setting. Even if you cannot work from home, you will want to recharge and do some meditation exercises as much time as possible. The Four of Swords comes up, which means you will want to get plenty of sleep and rest, so you have the energy to concentrate. 

Pisces – In addition to your professional life, you may participate in family projects or work on other unrelated projects. There is also the possibility that a friend would like to collaborate with you. A family tree, ethnicity, or religion project can help you recall who you are away from your work. The Ten of Cups comes up, which means this is an important week to spend with family and supportive friends. 

You should finish old projects while Mercury is retrograde. Before starting anything new, check it twice and then three times. It is easy for us to overlook essential information!

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