Beware of possible trickery, and don’t make immediate decisions. Trust your instincts rather than relying on logic. On the 11th, the Sun in Pisces makes a conjunction to Neptune and is cautious not to let anyone overstep your boundaries. For instance, do not do favors for just anyone. Along with that, if you have cravings for booze, don’t go crazy with it since Neptune rules alcohol. It is easy to overindulge with this aspect so stay watchful.
Also, be cautious not to get trapped in scams. The 13th is the New Moon in Pisces, and New Moons are a great time to start new practices. Starting a routine that revolves around spirituality, prayer, and meditation can be very helpful for you. You may have some intense dreams around this time. Your dreams will be full of important messages. Get a dream journal and log in your dreams which you may have for a week.
Then on the 14th, Neptune and Venus conjunct one another, which can alter your attitudes toward others. Make sure to have realistic expectations of others. Beware, as this can be a transit that reveals how people are friendly to you to your face but can stab you in the back.
However, one positive thing about this aspect is that it is outstanding for imagination. So why not go take advantage of your creativity. Let’s take a look and see what is in store for your sign this week.
Aries – You have deep urges and new passions that you are not yet aware of, but you will. Now is the moment you will start to sense them arise. The New Moon will support that. Do not disregard what they are, as they can shape your life later on. Keep tabs on your intuition this week because you don’t want to miss any signals. The tarot card that comes up for you this week is the Wheel of Fortune, which means prepare yourself for a change of destiny or a shift in direction this week.
Taurus – There are profound Neptunian and Piscean energies this week that are affecting you. They will inspire you to look deep within and evaluate and re-evaluate everything important to you. You will understand too that there are some fights not to take. For example, that old friend you have a grudge with, well, maybe it is not worth your energy to say anything and just let it be. The tarot card that comes up for you this week is the Eight of Cups, which means it is best to walk away from anyone or anything causing you grief.
Gemini – Go analyze your social and professional system and examine who is benefiting you. If you feel that any of them are unfairly exploiting you, don’t ignore that fact. Keep tabs on your intuitive emotions about some people in your life this week, especially. If you are unable to eliminate somebody toxic from your life, then limit your contact with them. The tarot card that shows up for you this week is the Two of Swords, which means you will need to weigh the pros and cons when it comes to cutting people from your networks.
Cancer – You know you are a creature of habit, and you will need to prepare yourself that you will take some leadership roles of some sort this week. You cannot remain concealed for long, and you will want to ask within how you can become comfortable with coming out of your comfort place. The tarot card that comes up for you is Strength, and you will be able to take on challenging roles or be responsible for challenging tasks as you find your inner strength.
Leo – Communication is the key. If you are displeased with somebody for whatever cause, talk to them about it in a diplomatic manner. If you have been too friendly and gracious to somebody who you think doesn’t deserve it, you will end up struggling with bitterness building up if you don’t say something to them. The Five of Cups and that card shows you will be disappointed in someone, highlighting the importance of clear communication.
Virgo – Many conflicting energies are affecting you this week that can intensify your analytical side. You may get to the point of being too anxious and insensitive. You may detect yourself being excessively and unjustly critical of others and yourself. Make sure you meditate to stay as calm as you can during stressful work or home circumstances. The tarot card that comes up for you this week is the Hermit, which means you need to take time for yourself to analyze why you react the way you do.
Libra – If you are not getting enough sleep, you must make sure that you do this week as you may neglect to get important rest. Productivity will be hampered if you are exhausted, as a lack of clarity from a lack of rest will impact you negatively. It is essential to sleep at any time of year, but make sure you do not miss out on it this week. The tarot card you have for this week is the Ace of Swords, the clarity card, and for you to get the clarity you need, you need rest.
Scorpio – It is alright to show your weaknesses to others that you try to hide. Nevertheless, this week you will have to accept that this is the time to do that. Never hide your concerns and fears from your loved ones. Anything upsetting, you share it with those who you care about and allow them to help you through it. The tarot card that comes up for you this week is the Lovers card, which means you have choices and commitments to make. Making a choice to allow your loved ones to help you through hard times or keeping your worries to yourself because you don’t want to be vulnerable is what this means. Which one will you make? And which choice will make it easier on you in the end?
Sagittarius – Your intuition is powerful this week, and you will want to make the best use of it in every manner. Logic is necessary, but don’t depend only on it this week as it won’t be apparent. Instead, follow your hunches because it will help you considerably. The tarot card coming up for you this week is the Nine of Swords, which means you will struggle with anxiety if you ignore your intuition.
Capricorn – You could become too lost in unnecessary hard work. The last thing you want to do is end up working too hard for something for nothing. Trust your instincts as they will support you to discover methods to work smart. You can take shortcuts without cutting corners with your work. The tarot card that comes up for you is the Devil, and that is the card that associates with your sign. Don’t get lost and obsessive in mindless hard work that causes you to achieve nothing.
Aquarius – Have some fun and enjoy yourself this week. You have not had enjoyment in a long time. You devoted so many months to soul-searching and doing shadow work. Do something mindless like as watching a slapstick comedy. Laugh at a few silly jokes or do something funny because having that humor in your life is essential. The card that shows up for you is Four of Wands, so go and celebrate something!
Pisces – Anticipate having intense feelings this week as intense energies are happening in your sign. You will wish to go between retreating and wanting to be with others, whether you do it on Zoom or six feet apart outdoors. Go and work emotions and don’t hide from them. Make sure to take time for yourself because you need it. The tarot card that comes up for you is the Empress, the mothering and nurturing card, and be sure to do that for yourself!
These intense Piscean and Neptunian powers won’t last for that long. And look at the bright side; you can go wild with your creativity and imagination this week, so have fun with that.