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Happy New Year, and prepare yourself for significant changes. However, the focus here is what is happening this week. On January 5th, Mercury will conjunct with Pluto in Capricorn,, giving you a powerful way of thinking which makes it easier to solve problems. Then on January 6th, Mars that has been in Aries for the last six months as it spent several months in the fall in retrograde,, finally moves into Taurus. 

Mars in Taurus will give you a boost to increase your practical side as you will have an easier time organizing yourself. Because Mars will be in an earth sign, making money will be a significant focus for you.  

And, on January 8th, Mercury moves into Aquarius. That will help you get the boost you need when it comes to creative thinking.   On the same day, Venus enters Capricorn,, which makes you more pragmatic as you’ll be more likely to build relationships with those who you see are in power which can help you on a professional level. So you see the first week of the new year, your practical and creative side will receive the boost it needs. Let’s see how your sign does this week. 

Aries – Anxieties over not being able to finish important projects this week will take over you. The best thing to do is to not make mountains out of molehills and to calm down. The tarot card this week for you is the Ten of Wands which also makes it clear that you need to reduce any burdens you have and delegate where you can. You do not have to get everything done in one week. 

Taurus – Your investments will be a concern for you this week. However, with the Seven of Pentacles coming up for you, be patient, and your investments will grow, in due time. There is nothing to be concerned about, even if the markets do poorly for a bit. It won’t stay that way. 

Gemini – Pay attention to those who you are forming relationships with because that can represent a potential partnership if there is business of any kind in the picture. The card for you is the Three of Pentacles which can also represent business growth, or creating something great with someone else. 

Cancer – You will be recognized for your hard work this week whether it is a promotion, or someone who you have helped a lot will show you the appreciation you need. Your card for this week is the Empress, which means while you are nurturing others, you need to nurture yourself too. Self-care is essential. That is the best recognition you can get. 

Leo – The thoughts of taking a vacation is taking over your mind right now and you may even be dwelling on what you missed out on last year. You may find yourself depressed this week for this reason. The card for you this week is Temperance. Have faith and patience that you will get what you are looking forward to having. It may not be anytime yet, but it will happen. Keep yourself busy in the meantime. 

Virgo – Keeping your communication open is essential and you may be tempted to clam up if you are upset. You do not want to do that as that will cause you extra stress. Therefore, say what you mean and don’t hold back on it. The card of the week for you is the Four of Swords. You are exhausted as well, and you need to take as much rest as you need. 

Libra – Your focus for this week is your home, as you will find that something in your home requires work. Perhaps you will want to plan for a renovation or a replacement of an old appliance. However, nothing about work will be of concern right now. The card that is coming up for you is the Two of Pentacles. You need to focus on balancing your home and work life, which you are good at doing since you are the sign that represents balance to begin with. 

Scorpio – You will receive favorable news regarding your investments this week. Just don’t get too optimistic and start pulling your money out of any funds. Allow it to grow as much as you can but you will at least feel relief that something is going well for you in that area. The card that comes up for you is the Four of Pentacles. Keep up with frugal living as well. 

Sagittarius – You have some powerful goals and wishes. However, you need to look at your budget and see what you can realistically achieve based on what you have. You may need to make some adjustments. The card for you this week is the Ace of Pentacles. Perhaps this is a good time to think about creating a side hustle to help you achieve those goals and wishes. 

Capricorn – You have been feeling that you are working in a field that is not bringing you much satisfaction. You will want to reavulate what you are doing for a living, and if you are able to do so, perhaps think about making a change. If you cannot, then you may want to look for another job if it is feasible. The card that shows up is the Four of Cups. You are bored and not satisfied. You need to figure out what is making you unhappy, specifically. 

Aquarius – Privacy is something that you need to focus on right now. That means if you have the need to write a review whether it is positive or negative, do it anonymously. You don’t want anyone contacting you who could be in your life that can cause problems. Stay out of the picture. The card that comes up for you is the Moon. Be careful as you could come across someone who does not have the best of intentions for you. 

Pisces – Like Aquarius, you want to be cautious not to fall for anything that appears to be too good to be true as well as you can easily fall for a scam this week. The card that comes up for you is the Seven of Cups, which can represent the shiny object syndrome. You will be presented with choices for something you need right now, and evaluate them carefully. If the cheapest option comes up that seems to be too good to be true, then it is and avoid that one. 

Congratulations as you made it through 2020, and now, you can help create a much better reality this year!

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