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Some of the energies this week are softer, but there will still be some challenges. This week begins with Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius, making for a wonderful week for socializing. To relax, you should have a good chat with a colleague or a friend over a drink. You may also develop a closer bond as a result. 

On the 24th, Mercury in Virgo will oppose Neptune in Pisces, and the time is not ripe for major decisions. So, your thinking won’t be clear, and you won’t like signing contracts that day. On the 26th, Mercury in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn, giving you greater clarity. In addition, you will be able to unravel some mysteries and solve some problems easier. Finally, you may feel a bit more practical near the end of the week because Mercury goes into Libra on the 30th, closing out the week in Virgo. Let’s see how well your sign is doing. 

Aries – You can fall for something too good to be true this week. You can find scams everywhere that promise to help your business or job. Nevertheless, wait until later in the week to determine if it is legitimate. The tarot card that comes up is the Seven of Cups, which again is a warning that you could fall for a scam or a shiny object. Be careful and evaluate all of the options presented to you carefully. 

Taurus – You may change your outlook on your professional life after attending a meeting. After changing your perspective, you’ll want to reflect and figure out your work-related situation, so you’ll know what to do going forward. The Hermit tarot card comes up for you, confirming that you will want to look within and take time to be introspective and reflective. 

Gemini – In both professional and personal situations, you will feel driven to act. First, however, you might want to pause and ask yourself what you want to achieve. Then, depending on how you evaluate the situation later this week, you might take a better approach. After that, the Ace of Pentacles comes up for you, which means that you can manifest anything you choose, but you want to be clear on your goals before you do. 

Cancer – We’re focusing on your professional life this week. Not necessarily looking for a new job, unless that’s what you want, and not necessarily changing your business, unless, again, that’s what you want to do. You may feel compelled to alter your professional wardrobe, however. Your website may need to be updated. You might want to tweak your content as well.  The Eight of Pentacles comes up, which means you may want to look into honing your skills. 

Leo – It may be worthwhile for you to attend an event since it can positively affect you. On an evening when you want nothing more than to relax at home, you may find yourself experiencing anxiety. Virtually attend if that’s the case. Otherwise, you’ll miss something that you’ll regret later. The Three of Cups comes up, which means this is a perfect time to socialize and hang with your friends. 

Virgo – Despite the temptation to rush a few things, it is best not to give in. The energies this week have unsettled you, which is why you’re feeling uneasy, but rushing into work you do may result in significant errors, which is something you don’t want to do. Working out in the morning will help you release any pent-up energy that may lead to rushing. The Ace of Swords comes up, which means you may want to go into something you are working on with a clear mind before you begin anything; you will want to have a clear mind. 

Libra – Allow no one to affect your personal or professional life negatively. Some people may try to influence you without the best of intentions. You need to keep your boundaries high and remain true to yourself. The Seven of Swords comes up, which means there is someone out there who is a hidden enemy who is also trying to manipulate you somehow. Be careful with who you trust. 

Scorpio – You should focus on professional and financial matters this week. You should work overtime if necessary. You should review your budget immediately and not delay it. You can make any necessary changes at the end of the week.  The Five of Pentacles comes up, warning that if you are not careful with your budget, you could end up racking up plenty of debt and expenses without even thinking about it. 

Sagittarius – You may struggle this week with patience. How can you improve your patience? The lower your expectations, the easier it will be. Losing patience, however, can lead to unnecessary struggles. For example, a client may be ready to work with you, but the client hasn’t yet decided. They will lose interest if you keep bothering them about it too much. In due course, you’ll receive things. Temperance, which is the tarot card associated with you, is your card for the week. That is a reminder to exercise patience and moderation. 

Capricorn – Something that weighs on your mind needs to be resolved. A colleague may be causing you anxiety, or you may have to speak with a client about something that worries you. You will likely come to a resolution and improve your state of mind if you talk to them this week. The same goes for a friend or family member. The Five of Swords reversed comes up, which means an argument may break out, but you will find a way to resolve it. 

Aquarius – Some people may put you on a pedestal in your personal or professional life for one reason or another. It would help not let excessive stress affect your productivity or relationships with colleagues and customers. To move forward, it is best to set the person who has placed you on a pedestal straight in a kind, diplomatic manner and try to forget it happened.  The Six of Cups comes up, which means that you will need to dig up a lesson that you learned from childhood or during your past that can help you with this challenge. 

Pisces – You might feel the need to isolate yourself this week. You should keep to yourself if you need to recharge. Don’t isolate yourself too much from others, however. Even if you’re not in the mood to attend a work function or even a friendly gathering, you should force yourself to attend. The Ace of Wands comes up for you, which means that you will have to look for some inspiration to help you get out of any funk you are in. 

Next week, Venus will return home to Libra, bringing a calmer atmosphere when dealing with others. 

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