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It is not a stretch to say that July has been intense. Even though there are no major astrological events happening this week, the effects of the Full Moon and the lunar eclipse are still having an effect. Mercury literally just went direct and that gives you the green light to proceed with your plans, as long as you do it with caution. The kinks from the retrograde will take time to be ironed out for a few weeks which can throw some wrenches into your plans here and there.

However, the best time to go ahead with your plans is after the 19th, which is when the second Cancer New Moon. The first Cancer New Moon took place during the time Mercury was in retrograde which meant it was the time to write out what you wanted to do. Now, after this New Moon, you can execute the plans. That is after you have had time to review them! The right ones will come clearer to you. Let’s look and see how each Enneatype does this week.

Type 1 – The Reformer – Associated with Virgo and Gemini – You are not known to be emotional but here you are, crying at the drop of a hat. And it is okay, you have emotions just like everyone else and this is the week to honor them.

Type 2 – The Helper – Associated with Cancer – The energies are heavy for you this week and you will find yourself having to take on some leadership roles. It may involve your household or work. Lean onto that 3 wing whether it is your dominant wing or not and you will do just fine.
Type 3 – The Achiever – Associated with Leo – You are urged to spend a lot of money this week. But before you make a huge investment that you could end up regretting later on, ask yourself if you really need the service or item for the long-term. You may not and you may be just dealing with strong spending urges instead.
Type 4 – The Individualist – Associated with Pisces – You have an abundance of creative energy. Use it well in your personal and professional life. You never know what can manifest from that.
Type 5 – The Observer – Associated with Aquarius – You’ll be facing something unusual this week and that is heightened emotions. In fact, your judgment will be clouded and as you don’t normally express your emotions, they will get into the way of your thought process. You will have to face these emotions and pinpoint why you are having them.
Type 6 – The Loyal Cynic – Associated with Capricorn – You are still working hard on striking the balance between work and family. You are also increasingly agitated this week and it is likely because you are not happy with seeing how so many others are being careful with the pandemic. It is frustrating but stay safe and just keep doing your thing and try not to allow it to take over your mind.
Type 7 – The Enthusiast – Associated with Sagittarius – The idea of going into a new career is going through your mind right now. But you want to determine if you are having a case of Groundhog Day Syndrome or you really want to make career changes. Don’t jump into it.
Type 8 – The Challenger – Associated with Aries and Scorpio – You are still burning out quickly and you need to take a few days off of work. Why not go to the beach (away from people), or even in your own backyard and enjoy a daiquiri.
Type 9 – The Peacemaker – Associated with Taurus and Libra – You are experiencing a lot of moodiness this week. You are also finding yourself losing patience with those who you are associated with. Just do your best to be mindful and have faith that the mood swings will end.
Hang in there, one week past is another week closer to the end of not just the pandemic but to the other crazy things that are making you out of sorts.

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