There are some transits worth observing occurring this week. That is because your methods of communication and sociability will be affected. As of May 4th, Mercury reaches its home Gemini from Taurus, which implies you will be more versatile and agile. You will additionally communicate in a more assertive but not aggressive manner. Brainstorming and problem-solving will be easier with this placement.
On May 6th, Venus in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn, which implies you will be willing to go out of your path to assist somebody in need. Maybe it is a friend who struggles with a computer problem, and you will expend extra time helping them fix it even if you have to stay up late.
Nonetheless, on May 8th, Venus in Taurus squares Jupiter in Aquarius, indicating you will focus on having fun and abandoning your duties. That means you will put off your work to have some fun. Additionally, it may not be a terrible concept to take the day off from work if possible. If you can’t, then maybe spend some time doing extra work before that day. That will minimize the amount of work to do.
On May 9th, Venus enters Gemini, and that will help with patience and understanding, but you may maintain an emotional distance at the same time. That is a superb position to look at difficulties objectively instead of getting too emotional. Let’s see how your sign manages the energy week.
Aries – You will need to keep tabs on your spending habits, and you will have the impulse to examine if they align with how much money you save monthly. If you spend more money than what you save, you will see that and make changes to your spending budget. The tarot card that comes up for you is the Four of Pentacles, which means you must keep an eye on your spending habits and look for discounts.
Taurus – You understand you like a lavish lifestyle because that is your nature, and with the Sun in your sign right now, that comes strong. Nevertheless, you also know simultaneously, you cannot live beyond your means. Perhaps it is time to make changes to your income whether you find a way to get a promotion or charge more money if you own a business. Maybe look for discounts. They are everywhere. You get the Ace of Pentacles this week, which implies there may be a money-making idea that you can start, maybe a side hustle.
Gemini – As your ruler moves into your sign, you will find yourself chattier than usual, and you will also have a racing mind. Please take the chance to do some mighty brainstorming, and it is a great time to organize yourself. You will want to focus on meditation this week as it will help quiet your psyche. The Four of Swords comes up, which signifies that rest is essential for you this week! Make sure that you get plenty of rest.
Cancer – You are naturally intuitive, and you know that you will not want to work during the middle of the week. That is because you are sensing the prominent Venus and Jupiter square. Thus, you may plan some time off this week to have some enjoyment you desperately need. The Four of Wands comes up, which means you will have a reason to celebrate something this week. Think about the milestones you achieved, and you can celebrate that.
Leo – Pay extra attention to your work this week as you will feel quite aggressive towards your competition. As you generally prefer taking center stage, the energies this week will magnify that. If you see a rival doing something innovative with their work, you will one-up them and find a way to deflect the focus passing the competitor over towards you. You won’t be shy to do that either, and you will even enjoy it. The Seven of Wands comes up, which means you must be mindful that your competition is watching you and prepare yourself to work extra hard to protect what is yours.
Virgo – Your ruler goes into the sign that squares your sign, but you will still gain from the effects. You will have the cognitive clarity to focus on the crucial facets of your work and even acquire the charm to network well with others. That can provide you with some benefits down the road when you need to look for another job as they can become a lead. They can help you with other things too. The Three of Cups comes up, which is a card that indicates to add to your social circle or any network.
Libra – You like your comfort zone; however, this week, you will feel somewhat adventurous and move out of your comfort zone. Perhaps you will try a new restaurant, or try a new drink, or play a game you have never played before. Maybe you will take on a temporarily new role at work too. Either way, you will do something this week you have not done before. The Eight of Wands comes up, which means that you will move quickly on something that presents itself to you. Therefore, the fact that you will feel more adventurous is a good thing.
Scorpio – As you spent last week examining the hidden areas of your life, this week, you are surely going to hear an unpleasant fact about something or someone. It won’t necessarily be a situation involving betrayal, but it may pertain to the nature of your work or your financial condition. Either way, you will discover the additional motivation to take care of the issue. The Five of Swords comes up, which can also indicate that you may have an unexpected expense, or your funds are not doing as well as you had hoped.
Sagittarius – Last week, you were self-reflecting on your ego vs. your authentic self. You are now at a place where you are taking in what you found. Concurrently, you are examining to see what you can prioritize in your life. Perhaps you could delegate or outsource some duties that you don’t need to do, or even omit to do some tasks that are not vital for your life. The Ten of Wands comes up, which means you are in serious need to delegate your tasks. You may not realize it, but this suggests that you are more burned out than you realize.
Capricorn – You have a reputation as a workaholic. However, do not think of working overtime, especially during the Jupiter and Venus square. Nevertheless, this week, the emphasis will be on you looking onward to the next several months by looking into the budgets and schedules, involving creating alterations to your exercise regimens. The Two of Pentacles comes up, which suggests that you have tasks to juggle, and you will figure out a way to do it.
Aquarius – Saturn has been in your sign since December 2020; the impact will be highlighted more to you based on the transits occurring right now. The focus for you lately has been doing plenty of self-reflecting and undergoing complex processes thanks to the influence of Saturn too. However, like Capricorn, you are going to be willing to make plans later on. You will want to do some goal-setting for the short-term and long-term and find which ones will be realistic for you to attain. The Hermit comes up for you, meaning that you still have a lot of self-reflection to do.
Pisces – Your focus this week involves your home. Work is also a focus but not as much as anything to do with your home and family. Maybe a blood relative that you had a quarrel with in the past makes you recognize that now is the moment to pass the olive branch and hash out any issues. The Ten of Cups comes up, which represents a happy family. There you go. You can create that and mend any differences.
May is here, and you have plenty of problem-solving and brainstorming to do this week, but you will make it productive – except for that one day when you will need to chill.