A strong Libra Full Moon begins the week, where it is a moment to discover to communicate, relate, and love. You know what your requirements are, and this is the time to look for others who realize your demands. There are feelings of optimism and anxiety as vaccinations are emerging, and the accomplishment of herd immunity is coming nearer. Yeah, it will be lovely to go and have drinks with your friends and collaborators again without having to worry about anything.
Nevertheless, you probably notice that re-entry apprehension will be a problem, and you are sensing it. Your peers and friends perceive it. The Full Moon enables you to accept it, comprehend it, and talk about what is in store after a very long pandemic.
Then April approaches, and on the 3rd, Mercury reaches Aries and joins the Sun. You will have clarity as Mercury exits dreamy Pisces and discovers it simpler to make fast choices. For instance, that project you wished to do but didn’t understand when or how to start the task, once Mercury enters Aries, you will obtain the clarity for that and begin working on immediately. Let’s see how the remainder of the signs do this week, which the Full Moon will strongly influence.
Aries – Being motivated has not been an issue for you nowadays; nevertheless, the manner the Full Moon will influence you will discover that you are mentally stripped. You concentrate so much on your work and other aspirations. Anyway, have you taken the time to sense your feelings? This week you will realize that you have not, and connecting with a companion is a fantastic concept. The tarot card that comes up is the Six of Cups, which is also a time to nurture your inner child, so you will want to do that as well.
Taurus – There is a feeling of pressure this week too much then you can manage. There is nothing wrong with delegating what you don’t need to do or even scrapping duties that aren’t entirely required. You tend to prefer to get the work completed on your own, but this is the week to allow others to help you out. Doing some spring cleaning will make you feel better too. The card that comes up is the Ten of Wands, which signifies that there are overwhelmed feelings, and once again, delegate what you don’t need to do.
Gemini – Are you running on autopilot lately? You probably don’t even notice it, and you are neglecting your emotions. You may be doing work that does not fulfill your heart and spirit like it once used to, and you feel compelled to do the job for several motives. You may fear if you quit, that will affect your financial position. You do need to take action, but not if it makes you happy, even if you don’t realize this consciously. The Full Moon requires you to investigate some other employment or business alternatives. The Hermit tarot card is the one that comes up for you, and that means you will need to do some self-reflection to discover what you want to do and how to keep in touch with your emotions.
Cancer – There are feelings of apprehension about whether you are correctly structuring your work and home life and creating balance. You may fear you are not balancing them as well as you should. Nevertheless, even though the Full Moon is highlighting this as a problem, after careful assessment, you may discover you are doing better with the balance than you imagine. If not, you can create modifications. The tarot card that comes up is the Queen of Pentacles, and it is a confirmation that you are doing a great job with nurturing your family and work as well as you can.
Leo – There is something on your thoughts that you need to show, and this is the week to do that. Share an important message, or start initiating a media program to help bring out the information. You will additionally wish to pay attention to the letters that are on their way. That is because you will probably receive a call about something that you need to understand soon. The tarot card that comes up for you this week is the Page of Swords, which is the card that represents important messages that are on their way to you.
Virgo – There may be good news headed your way, and that is you are making some additional cash this week. You have earned it, and you may end up with more work. Enjoy watching your bank account fatten up this week as the Full Moon will highlight your efforts. The tarot card that comes up is Seven of Pentacles, which signifies that the money you may receive is something to invest and allow it to grow slowly.
Libra – The Full Moon is gleaming on you this week. If you have been laboring on a project since October 16, 2020, you will discover that you are entering a significant turning point thanks to the Libra New Moon that took place then. You may need to evaluate it and make modifications, but you will be pleased with what you have achieved. The Four of Wands is the tarot card that comes up for you this week as you are seeing that you are reaching some milestones, and it is a great thing to celebrate.
Scorpio – You will want to brace yourself for the chance of discovering somebody’s suspicious actions that you have been observing as the Full Moon will disclose that. It may also come from a friend or a family member. Nevertheless, if you discover some hurtful mysteries they have been keeping from you, this is the period to assess how you will manage them cautiously. You will want to determine if they are good to keep in your life. Maybe they are only human and make mistakes, or are they no good, and you need to remove them. The tarot card that comes up is the Two of Swords, which means whatever you choose to do after making discoveries will be a hard decision to make.
Sagittarius – Are you having intentions to release something? If so, this is a great week to do so as the Full Moon, as well as Mercury’s change into Aries, will assist you along. It does not matter if you have a course to launch or even a new social network to join and offer what you have; this is a good week for that. The tarot card that shows up this week is Eight of Wands, and that is the card that indicates things can happen quickly. If you launch something, it will receive a favorable response fast, or if you join a new network, you will develop a report soon.
Capricorn – If there has been a goal you are working on since October 16, 2020, during the Libra New Moon, then this week, you will have a great possibility of achieving it. It will help your confidence, and you will eventually feel as if you can shout ‘crushed it’! It is not a surprise that you are the happiest when you achieve something. That is the nature of your sign, and the odds are in your favor that this is the week that will happen. The card that comes up for you this week is the Nine of Wands, and that is the card that represents you being courageous and not giving up despite challenges you can face this week too.
Aquarius – Never hesitate to withhold any of your visions. After dealing with many months of self-reflecting, maybe you will discover an occasion to tell your tale because you may inspire somebody who has been where you are. Bringing yourself out is the best thing for you to do this week because you may help someone. Your humanitarian side will like that. The card that comes up for you this week is the Queen of Cups, as you will have an opportunity to connect with someone on an emotional level and make them heard.
Pisces – You will have an emotional week for you as you will encounter something that will make you discover that you have some emotional imbalances inside. That can compromise your effectiveness, and you may be silent with friends and family. Nevertheless, you need that space to figure what has been inside to balance yourself again in every way. The card that comes up for you is Temperance, which tells you to be kind and patient with yourself.
March is pretty much over, and April is approaching, and the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel is finally visible. That indicates it is not a distant thought for excursions and vacations once again. And the Full Moon is going to help you see that!