Mercury just approached Aries, which allows you to create fast choices that will benefit you this week. The week starts with Venus sextile Mars in Gemini, and that is a good day for connections to form, whether for dating or work. Therefore, you will have a unique chance to build joint venture connections or create valuable enterprise contacts. However, don’t do something too audacious and make any aggressive intentions.
That is because, on the 9th, Mars in Gemini creates a square to Neptune in Pisces. Whatever plans you make that appear to be good to be true will end up harming you in the end. The lure is there. Be careful to stay away from anything that seems to be too wonderful when it is not.
On April 10th, two transits are occurring. One is Mercury in Aries making a sextile to Capricorn, which is superb for clear and rational reasoning and plotting. If you got hurt because of the troublesome aspect from the day before, you would figure out how to repair the problem rapidly. Also, Venus creates a sextile to Jupiter in Aquarius, which is an extraordinary chance for discovering luck in a concentrated life area. The week concludes with the Aries New Moon, which will start the following week. Let’s see how your sign does this week.
Aries – You will want to communicate your needs and wants to others, as communication focuses on you since Mercury entered your sign. Maybe there is a story to tell somebody who needs to listen to it; perhaps a story about how you overcome a hardship. Use your words and use them well and in a wise manner. The tarot card that comes up for you is the Six of Cups, which means perhaps there is a story you want to tell that occurred in your childhood to inspire others.
Taurus – You may be overthinking about your looks, as you may discover that you may pay too much care to how you look on the screen during zoom meetings. Since inoculation levels are more excellent, you see that the completion of the pandemic is approaching. That implies it will shortly be back to face-to-face, in-person gatherings that overwhelm you. Thus, you may be thinking of altering your haircut, looking into a fresh wardrobe, or curing any skin disorders. Nevertheless, don’t become too preoccupied. The Hermit tarot card comes up, which means you need to take this week to reflect on what is important to you. Therefore, appearances are important but don’t become too focused.
Gemini – You will need to defend yourself, nevertheless, be mindful of how you do it. Others may see you as too aggressive. You can rapidly end up turning away others. That stems from you making the perception that your limits in some areas are loose. However, don’t go the other way. The card that comes up for you is the Seven of Swords, which means someone may be manipulating you, so you have to defend yourself. Look for the signs.
Cancer – You will be focusing on your profession or something else in your life and what changes you need to make. You will not discover much clarity over it until the New Moon by the beginning of next week. Once you do, then you will understand more. Perhaps you are pleased with it, but you will notice if there are modifications to it. However, mull over it and not get impatient with yourself for not figuring matters out soon this week. The tarot card that comes up for you is Temperance, which is a reminder always to be patient with yourself no matter what you encounter.
Leo – The emphasis is on problem-solving regarding your profession and life in general. You will use the abilities for problem-solving that you acquired from having to go through prior hardships. The skills are coming for you to use this week, and so you can be ready to assist somebody with them. The tarot card Magician comes up, which means you must use your creativity which is also a problem-solving component.
Virgo – Mercury just Aries, which means you will spend a lot of time in your head this week and for the remainder of this month. You will be opening up the door to your unconscious, and you may even do a meticulous examination of your nagging concerns. Are these fears worth expending your energy? Talking with a counselor is an excellent possibility as you are self-analytical by nature. The tarot card that comes up is the Four of Pentacles Reversed which means that perhaps you need to loosen up when it comes to spending money as there is a suggestion that you may be holding onto too much. Live frugally, not cheaply.
Libra – You will find some connections that can provide you some extraordinary possibilities. It may assist you with your professional life or even a facet of your personal life. That is because the ruler of your sign sextiles Jupiter later this week. Please don’t lose hope that something great could come out of it. The tarot card Judgment comes up, which means you may come into contact with someone who will provide you a perspective which can result in an aspect of yourself that has been asleep. That is the card that represents an awakening.
Scorpio – Here is a week once again where self-care is crucial and makes sure that your necessities receive focus. You have been dealing with having to confront betrayal from others, and now you have to foster your psyche, soul, and body. Here is not an ideal time to work overtime if you have that choice. If not, take plenty of breaks and eat nutritious foods. The Queen of Cups Reversed comes up, which is a card that represents the importance of self-care.
Sagittarius – You are having a solid sense of spring fever right now. You know what feels great, and you will want to go after something that makes you feel genuinely remarkable. You have been fighting some problems since the epidemic has curtailed your compelling character. If you don’t know what you need in your life to give you that good sensation, don’t fret. After the New Moon early next week, you will feel it. The tarot card that comes up is Star which is always a reminder never to lose hope!
Capricorn – You will emphasize your domestic life more this week as you will concentrate slower on work and more on house responsibilities. You will need to focus on cleaning your closet, preparing dinners for your family, and looking into house improvements as well. The tarot card that comes up for you right now is Emperor, a card representing the order in your life. You are the one who is in control of your life, and the Emperor is reminding you of that.
Aquarius – You don’t want to ask for assistance since you are generally independent. You have invested so much time with shadow work and soul searching on your own. Nonetheless, prepare yourself for facing a circumstance where you will need to ask for someone’s help. You will find that the time may stretch this week outside reach for one cause. Delegation is a good idea. The tarot card that comes up is Ten of Wands, which implies you will face some overload and emphasize that delegation is ideal.
Pisces – The subject of income and budgeting is strong this week as you will examine where you need to save and identify methods to obtain what you need by saving cash. Look for little financial possibilities that can deliver you additional pocket money to help you save for a time when you need it. The card that comes up is Ace of Pentacles, representing a small sum of money or a small income opportunity coming your way.
Hence, this is an excellent week to relate to those who will help you accomplish what you need based on this week’s focus for your sign. After the New Moon, things will be more apparent to you next week.