Be prepared for a lot of Gemini energy this week as the Sun enters Gemini on the 20th (Happy Birthday Gemini). This means you’ll be open to new experiences and your curiosity is only up. You are more adaptable as well. At first, when the lockdown was implemented it was easy to not be comfortable with the lack of in-person meetings. However, you have gotten used to it at this point and now that the economy is slowly opening up in many places, you are going to get used to the lockdown easing as well.
There is also a New Moon in Gemini on the 22nd which is a great time to make some personal changes as you will be able to stimulate your mind as well. It is a good idea to go buy that book that you wanted to read for a while. Let’s see how all of the Enneatypes are affected this week.
Type 1 – The Reformer – Associated with Virgo and Gemini -This is a good week for you as new opportunities not only may open up but you will be recognized for your hard work. You don’t care about recognition as much as The Achiever does, but you’ll feel proud.
Type 2 – The Helper – Associated with Cancer – You have been quite busy and active for some time. Perhaps take the week off to relax and lie low, and binge on Netflix shows as well.
Type 3 – The Achiever – Associated with Leo – Hopefully you have been keeping your immune system strong by taking in Vitamin C which you likely are since your diet is so healthy, to begin with. However, this week you’ll be invited to new virtual groups. By the time social distancing won’t be necessary (months and months away still), you will be meeting these connections in person. You never know what could grow out of it.
Type 4 – The Individualist – Associated with Pisces – You are feeling guided and drawn to make some improvements within yourself. Improving your way of communicating was the focus of last week. Other areas are the focus of this week that you feel are the most pressing.
Type 5 – The Observer – Associated with Aquarius – Believe it or not, you are feeling somewhat lonely this week. Not typical for you, but having human connections is always important. Go and call a friend on Zoom or Skype.
Type 6 – The Loyal Cynic – Associated with Capricorn – You are having trouble with creating a vision that is clear for yourself. Take it bit by bit so you know what to go after so that the Universe can support you.
Type 7 – The Enthusiast – Associated with Sagittarius – You may form a new friendship or relationship (virtually) but be very careful not to get too close. Venus is in retrograde and once it goes direct, the relationship could easily fizzle out.
Type 8 – The Challenger – Associated with Aries and Scorpio – With Venus in retrograde, the energies have made you somewhat nostalgic. You are feeling vulnerable due to the stress that has been around you and you are missing the old days. It is okay to reminisce but don’t stay there.
Type 9 – The Peacemaker – Associated with Taurus and Libra – The idea of the economy starting again is unsettling to you as you have gotten used to staying home often. You are not ready to go out there. Remember that the re-opening in many places is gradual but don’t feel pressured to do anything you are not ready to do.
Hang in there, one week past is another week closer to the end.