There is plenty of activity that is going on this week. Firstly, there is the New Leo Moon on the 19th, and this is great news for those who have been working on a creative endeavor. This is the perfect time to launch it as New Moons is the time to start anything brand new, as this Leo New Moon will help you do it with confidence. The only time when New Moons are not ideal to do anything new is when Mercury is in retrograde which obviously is not an issue right now.
Speaking of Mercury, it moves into Virgo on the 19th which gives a push to your thinking skills. You will do things more methodically and be analytic. On the 22nd that will even be more the case once the Sun moves into Virgo (Happy Birthday, Virgo). You will be paying attention to the small details of your work and personal life. Let’s see how the Enneatypes fare this week.
Type 1 – The Reformer – Associated with Virgo and Gemini – This New Moon will help you in several ways. Firstly, the boredom you have been feeling will be helped as you discover a hobby or an interest to take up. Secondly, you will be urged to cut tied with those who no longer serve you or help you in any way or form. Starting fresh is the way to go.
Type 2 – The Helper – Associated with Cancer – You had been given the opportunity to connect with your true self. If you have not done so during the time of the Waning Moon, then during this New Moon you will feel lost. You are definitely urged to take the opportunity to do that by getting to know your authentic self.
Type 3 – The Achiever – Associated with Leo – You will be on a roll with this New Moon. Any marketing campaign you are doing you will take to the next level. Otherwise, you will definitely be noticed. Take plenty of selfies and allow yourself to shine as you usually do.
Type 4 – The Individualist – Associated with Pisces – You have goals but you are unsure of how to manifest them. This is the time to take the opportunity to create a ritual that works to help you manifest your goals. If you use rituals and you are finding that it no longer serves you the purpose, it is time to switch it up and make changes to it.
Type 5 – The Observer – Associated with Aquarius – Have you been making a deal with someone for personal or professional reasons? This New Moon will help you seal the deal. If this is the case and you are tired of the hemming and hawing on the other end, this will be the week that ends.
Type 6 – The Loyal Cynic – Associated with Capricorn – This New Moon is an excellent time to manifest what you want. Therefore, put your goal on paper, visualize it, and allow the New Moon to work its magic while you take appropriate action to bring it forward.
Type 7 – The Enthusiast – Associated with Sagittarius – You are still having a difficult time without traveling and exploring the way you want. Accept the fact that this pandemic will not end tomorrow, but remember it won’t last forever as nothing does. Do some stargazing, and find other ways to explore as it can be done without traveling.
Type 8 – The Challenger – Associated with Aries and Scorpio – If you have been finding your energies scattered lately, this week you will finally be able to put it back into order. This way you can concentrate and renew your passionate side and go after those goals.
Type 9 – The Peacemaker – Associated with Taurus and Libra – Do you have something that you want to see come to life? Do some manifestation tactics. If you have a business that you want to promote, do some podcasting. That will definitely be helpful.
Hang in there, one week past is another week closer to the end of this.