Free 7 Card Tarot Card Reading Online

Miriam’s 7-Card Spread for Advice and Guidance

Best Practices for an Accurate Reading

Here’s a free 7-card tarot reading for you. Tarot readings are a great way to gain insight into your present and future. Spreads are basically layouts of cards that help you understand the past, current events and provide insights about the future. Below, I’ve outlined some best practice steps you can take to prepare both yourself and this digital deck to do your reading.

Prepare Yourself

  • Before you begin, take three deep breaths and take a couple of moments to clear your head and center yourself.
  • Think of a question or problem you’re dealing with, and spend a moment just focusing on your question.
  • Intend to align your energy with the answers and solutions you’re seeking.

Prepare the Deck

  • Put your hands in front of your screen and imagine that you are clearing this digital deck with your energy. In other words, intend that the deck in front of you will show you exactly what you need to know and for the best of all involved.
  • Affirm that the cards will be placed in divine synchronicity and tell yourself out loud (or in your head if you’re not alone) that each card you flip is the right one for you or your situation.
  • Most importantly, know that whatever you read can be interpreted many ways.

Get Your Free 7-Card Tarot Reading Here

When ready, click to shuffle your tarot cards and flip each row to get your reading. You may choose to read one row and then flip the next or flip them all at once. Choose your own spread and card meanings, or use the one at the top of this post. There’s an alternative one at the bottom as well.

Flip Cards
Six of Swords

Six of Swords

This card is indicative of removing baggage, and making changes. It can also represent travel by sea. Astrologically, this card is linked to Mercury in Aquarius.

If this card shows up in reverse, it shows that there is resistance to making necessary changes or that there is business that is unfinished.

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

This card shows that imprisonment is only happening in the mind as well as a victim mentality. You think you are trapped, but you really are not. Astrologically this card is linked to Jupiter in Gemini.

When this card is in reverse, it can show that you are releasing those self-limiting beliefs and becoming open to other options to solve your issues whether they are real or imagined.

Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

This card is indicative of poverty, financial loss, worry, or having a lack mindset, or being in poor health. Astrologically, this card is tied to Mercury in Taurus.

When this card is in reverse, it means that there is recovery.

Flip Cards
Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

This is the card that represents hard work as well as being productive, and being conservative. Staying on a routine is important. The signs that this card is tied to are Leo and Virgo.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can mean that there is a feeling of boredom as well as problems with perfectionism.

Five of Wands

This card is indicative of conflicts, competition, and tension, as well as disagreements. Astrologically, this card represents Saturn in Leo.

When this card shows up in reverse, it represents all of those things within.

The Lovers

The Lovers is the card that shows up when it comes to making a commitment, and a choice after weighing options. It can also represent falling in love, and even being at crossroads which means it is time to make a decision.

Corresponding Number: 6
Corresponding Sign: Gemini
Enneagram Type: 6

The Lovers in reverse is indicative of infertility, problems within a relationship, and separation.

Flip Cards

Two of Wands

This card shows that you have found a balance in life in regards to your career, social status, and image. You are making future plans, decisions, and you are making some strong discoveries in regards to what will help you achieve your goals. This card is astrologically tied to Mars in Aries.

This card in reverse is indicative of poor inner alignment due to fear. Or you are making these plans for ill-intended reasons.

An Alternative 7-Card Spread

You can alternatively choose to read these tarot cards is by row:

  • Row 1 is the present, with cards one, two, and three representing you, the situation, and the next move.
  • Row 2 is the future, with cards four, five, and six representing what to expect if you continue on the same path, what to do if you want to change that and what to do if you want to stick with the current trajectory.
  • Row 3, containing the final card, represents the final outcome if you follow the advice for change.