On the 14th, Mars enters Libra, which is not a good sign because Mars is in opposition. You may feel scattered and low on energy for the next six weeks. You may have difficulty motivating yourself and meeting deadlines.
On the same day, Neptune in Pisces forms an opposition to the Sun in Virgo, clouding your vision somewhat. Be careful not to fall into delusional thinking. Nonetheless, there is a positive note, as the Sun in Virgo makes a trine to Pluto in Capricorn, so any changes you want to make will be easier than you expect. It may give you a temporary boost of motivation and energy. For that aspect, the 16th is the date.
This week’s 17th brings Venus and Saturn into squares with each other. When you experience this aspect, you may feel emotionally distant from others or more envious in relationships. This week’s Full Moon in Pisces and Mercury’s shadow are certain to be challenging! Here’s how you do according to your star sign.
Aries – Motivation is harder to find this week compared to last week. It may take some convincing to get a good workout and even put in any extra effort. Listening to motivational podcasts can be quite helpful. Page of Wands is the tarot card that comes up for you, and that means you will want to look for inspiring messages around you that can convince you to find your mojo again.
Taurus – This week, you may experience some envy, even if it has nothing to do with your professional life. You will contact someone who has something you don’t or achieved quickly while you are struggling. Your thoughts should not be influenced by it. To keep yourself occupied with productive activities, stay busy. The Seven of Swords reversed makes it clear that you may be lying to yourself or being in denial over something, which can hurt you more in the end. Comparison is also the thief of joy.
Gemini – You will likely have disagreements with your friends or colleagues. It will irritate you. Meditation, a healthy diet, and regular exercise are the best ways to stay in shape. Health problems are also likely to arise due to this week’s energies, so monitor your blood pressure closely. The Queen of Cups reversed comes up, so focus on self-care this week as it is important.
Cancer – It’s one of those weeks when you work hard but don’t see any progress. Accomplishments won’t be recognized, and that will only fuel anger and resentment. Additionally, your workload will increase. As a result, your productivity and mental health will suffer. Keep in touch with your spiritual practices this week, as they are essential. The Nine of Wands comes up, which means don’t give up in the face of adversity.
Leo – Your reputation will be boosted, and you will feel like you are fulfilling a meaningful purpose by engaging in charitable causes this week. Feeling that way will allow you to accomplish more, which will allow you to be more productive. It will be a win-win situation for everyone. Finally, six of Wands comes up, which means you will feel as if you are accomplished and will feel victorious.
Virgo – You will encounter many interruptions in the course of your work due to poor concentration and the inability to stick to schedules. Stick with your health regimen and meditate every morning to keep your sanity during a hectic week that may make you feel unsuccessful. Four of Swords comes up, which also means getting plenty of rest so you can stay in good health.
Libra – You will naturally work long hours and put in the extra effort. Although it may seem like your efforts aren’t paying off, don’t give up. By the end of the week, you will see some gains. For your efforts, you may receive monetary compensation or simply recognition. However, the Seven of Pentacles comes up, which means you will have to be patient with the results from the work you put in.
Scorpio – By collaborating more, you are more likely to succeed. You will be recognized for your hard work and cooperative ways as well as see some positive results. You will also provide others with some helpful and pragmatic tips that they can utilize. The Emperor comes up, which means you will be seen as a leader if you take the bull by the horns and help others simultaneously.
Sagittarius – You may experience higher levels of stress. Keep your mind and body healthy, engage in some fitness if you haven’t yet, and pay attention to what you eat. Showing off your work is a great time for you, and managing your stress levels is one of the reasons for this. Maintaining a low level of stress can help you produce good results. Temperance, the card you associate with for the spiritual aspect, is what is for you this week, which means being easy on yourself.
Capricorn – Take a course related to a skill you use daily or advance your training during this week. To succeed in the future, your skillset will have to be honed and advanced. Due to this, you can schedule a time to attend courses on a platform like Udemy. In addition, the Eight of Pentacles comes up, which means it is a great week to hone your skills.
Aquarius – As you may want to stick to humanitarian acts this week, you might want to get involved in some charities. Furthermore, it will give you a good reputation in your field. You are a humanitarian by nature. Therefore, being involved in these acts will be a piece of cake for you. The Six of Pentacles comes up, and that is a sign that donating your time or money will help you in many ways.
Pisces – Your sensitivity will increase this week, so don’t talk to relatives or colleagues who stress you out. You will suffer both as a result of being upset as well as having poor mental health. Self-care will be crucial to keeping yourself balanced. Four of Cups comes up, which means you will need to contemplate some things, and that means if you are not happy with your work or something in your life, figure out what you need to do to change it or how to accept it.
That Full Moon is next week, and it is going to be very sensitive! So keep it up because this week’s energies are preparing you for it.