3-Card Reading

Flip Cards
eight of wands

Eight of Wands

This is the card of fast-paced and fast-moving action as well as air travel. Astrologically this card is tied to Mercury in Sagittarius.

In reverse, this card indicates delays and resistance to change.

King of Cups

King of Cups

This card represents a character that is diplomatic and compassionate, as well as being balanced on an emotional level. Astrologically this card is associated with Libra and Scorpio.

When this card is in reverse, it can show someone who is manipulative on an emotional level, moodiness, and selfishness.

The Star tarot

The Star

The Star follows the Tower for a reason. It is the card that represents hope and inspiration. It also represents new opportunities that are on the way and spirituality. It can be a card that also represents astronomy.

Corresponding Number: 17
Corresponding Sign: Aquarius
Enneagram Type: N/A

When the Star card is in reverse, it is indicative of opportunities that have been missed, despair, illnesses, and disappointments.