The Lovers
The Lovers is the card that shows up when it comes to making a commitment, and a choice after weighing options. It can also represent falling in love, and even being at crossroads which means it is time to make a decision.
Corresponding Number: 6
Corresponding Sign: Gemini
Enneagram Type: 6
The Lovers in reverse is indicative of infertility, problems within a relationship, and separation.

Three of Cups
This is the celebration card and it can indicate that there are collaborations, creations, as well as a party. Astrologically this card is linked to Mercury in Cancer.
When this card is in reverse, it really means being independent and breaking away from the party.

Knight of Pentacles
This is the card that represents hard work as well as being productive, and being conservative. Staying on a routine is important. The signs that this card is tied to are Leo and Virgo.
When this card shows up in reverse, it can mean that there is a feeling of boredom as well as problems with perfectionism.