Page of Swords
This card indicates that brand new ideas are on their way as well as a strong hunger for knowledge. This card is linked to the air element.
This is a communication card, and if this shows up in reverse, it indicates that it is a case of all talk but no action.
The Emperor
The Emperor is known as the paternal card, the leader, a figure of authority, creating discipline and order. The Emperor is powerful. It can also be indicative of a loss of authority.
Corresponding Number: 4
Corresponding Sign: Aries
Enneagram Type: 8
The Emperor in reverse is a control freak, someone who is a leader who is not mature enough to be, abuse of power.
Two of Cups
This is the relationship card, as there is a partnership or love that is unified. Astrologically, this card is linked to Venus in Cancer.
When this card is in reverse, it can indicate a breakup, lack of harmony, or selfishness.